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Raymond de Roon stelt vandaag in de Tweede Kamer de volgende vraag aan minister-president Netanyahu van Israël

Mr Prime Minister, first of all I want to say to you from my heart and from the heart of the Party for Freedom:


My party wants to tighten the bonds of friendship between Israel and Holland.

We support the right of the Jewish people to live and build in the land of the Jews, in Judea and Samaria and in Jerushalaim, the eternal capital of THE Jewish people and the State of Israel. The Jewish people had a flourishing kingdom there when Amsterdam still was a swamp.

My question for you today is as follows:

Please build in all of Jerusalem! Please build in Judea and Samaria!

Every day the Palestinian authority hinders the conclusion of peace, Mr. Prime Minister: build, build, build for Israel !!

Thank you, Mr. Netanyahu.