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The Spectator: UK capituleert voor terreur

In de Britse pers wordt met grote verbazing gereageerd op het besluit om Geert Wilders de toegang tot Groot-Brittannië te weigeren. Op de site van The Spectator concludeert de columniste Melanie Phillips dat de Britse regering capituleert voor terreur. De Britse Europarlementariër Daniel Hannan vraagt zich af wat de regering heeft bezielt om de leider van een legitieme politieke partij uit het land te weren.

"If anyone had doubted the extent to which Britain has capitulated to Islamic terror, the banning of Geert Wilders a few hours ago should surely open their eyes.


The British government allows people to march through British streets screaming support for Hamas, it allows Hizb ut Tahrir to recruit on campus for the jihad against Britain and the west, it takes no action against a Muslim peer who threatens mass intimidation of Parliament, but it bans from the country a member of parliament of a European democracy who wishes to address the British Parliament on the threat to life and liberty in the west from religious fascism.


If British MPs do not raise hell about this banning order, if they go along with this spinelessness, if they fail to stand up for the principle that the British Parliament of all places must be free to hear what a fellow democratically elected politician has to say about one of the most difficult and urgent issues of our time, if they fail to hold the line against the threat of violence but capitulate to it instead, they will be signalling that Britain is no longer the cradle of freedom and democracy but its graveyard."


Daniel Hannan geeft op zijn blog uiting aan zijn verbijstering over het besluit van de Britse regering om de leider van een legitieme politieke partij de toegang tot het Verenigd Koninkrijk te ontzeggen.

"Can this really be true? An elected representative, the leader of a legitimate political party, banned from entering the United Kingdom? On what possible grounds?


Whether our government is actuated by cowardice or authoritarianism, it's equally ugly. We are a meaner country than we were this morning."


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